LeMars Community High School |
Le Mars, IA |
Lead Teacher Barry Borchers receiving Le Mars High School's silver medal from Olympic Gold Medalist Dain Blanton at Focus On Freshmen 2010.
Principal: Larry Johnson
Location: Le Mars, IA
Number of Students at Le Mars: Approx. 950
Course Name: Introduction to Careers
Lead Teacher: Barry Borchers
Total Number of Course Instructors: 6
Course Type: Required Elective for all Freshmen
Course Length: 1 year, every other day for 47 minutes per period
Students Enrolled in Course: Approx. 160-170
Funding Source for Course: Carl Perkins Funding, CTE Funding, Local Funding
“The course has helped our students look harder at what they take in terms of courses in high school and I believe our freshmen are more focused and more mature after having taken the class.”
~Larry Johnson
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